
Is This the End of Household Harmful Chemicals?

October 7, 2022

Forever chemicals, also known as “PFAS,” may have serious health risks, with complications and side effects including cancer and birth defects. But what actually are they, and where are they found? Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used to make endless household objects, from non-stick cookware, water repellents, pizza boxes, rubbers and plastics, food packaging, electronics, and…

Why Do Some Plastics Turn Yellow Over Time?

September 26, 2022

If you own any plastic item, whether something as simple as a roll of packing tape or a storage box, you may have noticed something strange: these plastics turn yellow over time, leaving a tint that wasn’t previously there. Weird, right?! So, why does this happen? Why does your once white clock face, storage box,…

A Basic Guide to Air Pollution

September 8, 2022

The topic of air pollution has never been more prevalent – here’s our basic guide to help you better understand air pollution and our environment.  If you don’t already know, air pollution is when the air is contaminated (indoors or outdoors) by a chemical or biological agent that modifies the atmosphere. For example, these pollutants…

Wind Turbines and Chlorine Chemistry: What You Need to Know

August 26, 2022

Wind turbines are here to stay – a sustainable and renewable power source. In fact, over the last ten years, wind power capacity has grown 15% per year – it’s now the largest source of power in the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  Not only are wind turbines sustainable, but they’re beautiful…

What Does BPA Free Mean?

July 29, 2022

We’ve all heard the term “BPA” but what does it actually mean?  BPA, properly known as “bisphenol A” is a chemical compound used in the manufacturing process of certain plastics. It’s colorless and often included in water bottles, canned foods, toiletries, household electrics, and other products. But if it’s so useful and widely used, then…

How Many New Drugs Are Discovered Each Year?

July 21, 2022

There’s never been a better time to be alive – there are thousands of prescription drugs and medications to improve life-span, life quality, and, more recently, provide protection against deadly diseases.  According to Drug Bank online, there’s a total of 14665 drugs TOTAL in the world. This includes prescription drugs, illicit drugs, and everything in-between. That’s…

What Is the Study of Organic Chemistry?

June 29, 2022

Organic chemistry is one of five main types of chemistry, with others including analytical, physical, inorganic, and biochemistry. But what is the study of organic chemistry? In organic chemistry, chemists create, explore, and develop new compounds. It’s a highly creative science, allowing us to find new compounds and better ways to synthesize current compounds. Finding…

A Basic Guide to Stapled Peptides: What You Need to Know

June 20, 2022

Peptides are short chains of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Peptides are responsible for fighting bacteria, wound healing, and muscle growth, carrying biological messages from tissue to the blood and back again. They also play many other key roles in the body. But what are stapled peptides? You’ve likely heard of these before, whether…

Nucleic Acid vs. Amino Acid: What’s the Difference?

May 26, 2022

By now, you’ve likely heard of nucleic acid vs. amino acid, but do you know the difference between the two essential biomolecules?  To begin with, both biomolecules are essential to human life – they both perform jobs within the body that are essential.  Without nucleic acids, cells would not be able to reproduce, resulting in…

Healing Peptides and Injury: What You Need to Know

May 14, 2022

If you’re into fitness or you have a particularly good memory, then chances are you already know what healing peptides are. But for those that don’t know, peptides are strings of amino acids known as the “building blocks” of proteins. The body produces these naturally, but peptides can also be found in foods high in protein and…