What Are the Sub-Branches of Chemical Engineering?

Chemical engineering is a massive industry, responsible for the design and operation of chemical plants, improving everyday life, and even creating household and everyday items, such as clothing, pharmaceutical drugs, food, drink, and energy. It’s safe to say that without chemistry and chemical engineers, the world would not function the way it should, or maybe it…

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What Does Chemical Analysis Mean?

Within the field of chemistry and chemical technology, there is what is known as chemical analysis. Chemical analysis is essential, checking our environment for potential risks, including air pollution. While it may sound fairly straightforward, performing an analysis is actually fairly complex. There is more than one chemical analysis method, with various tests performed to analyze chemicals…

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What Is Chemical Technology?

Whether you work in the field of chemistry or not, you may have heard the phrase “chemical technology” in passing. However, what does this mean? Chemical technology is is a branch of applied chemistry concerned with creating new chemical products. As a part of this industry, there are also chemical technicians (trained professionals and chemists…

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What Jobs Include the Use of Chemistry?

Chemistry is involved in many, many different jobs across the world, some of which you may never have realized. For example, it is essential for the production of food, pharmaceutical drugs, forensic science, and even the manufacturing of clothing items. We often fail to realize just how important chemistry is. However, for those currently studying chemistry…

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